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Fixing up Winstogram's Code Comments and Documentation

·263 words·2 mins
Web Dev Python Flask HTML CSS JavaScript
I’m a Year 12 student studying Data Science and Web Dev, looking into a future in Cyber Security

(Flask Server - WINSTON)[]

As the due date for the Winstogram project was approaching, I realised there was one last thing I needed to do, and that was to actually create documentation and code comments. The way I did that was to add in a whole lot of code comments throguhout the codebase so that anyone reading can have a better idea of how the code works at first glance, instead of having to run the code and take 20 hours before understanding how 1/4 of the code works.

The change took a few hours as there were a few files to run through and a lot needed to be documented. I only finished documenting everything a little bit before the time it was due. The comments weren’t just added to the python files, as there was a lot written in python, but also in the HTML and JS files as well as there was a lot of code written in those languages as well. On top of that I added a, which outlined the way the site worked, what features had been added and how to run the site locally.

Finally I updated the requirements.txt file to include all the referenced libraries since I had added a few more libraries to the project since the last time I updated the file. This was a quick change, but it was important to do as it would allow anyone to easily install all the required libraries to run the project, especially due to the fact that I have to submit it for assessment.