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17/10/23 - Update on Projects

·614 words·3 mins
I’m a Year 12 student studying Data Science and Web Dev, looking into a future in Cyber Security

Update #

Last term, a lot had happened. I had started the planning for the Neural Network that I was going to create for my hand gesture recognition model, but was unable to start much of the implementation. I had PyCon Au a few weeks in before the exam block and was therefore spending most of my time developing the Web Development side of the project, being the website. After PyCon I continued to work on Winstogram to implement a number of features that I had been interested in implementing for some time, and therefore I never really got onto the Neural Network.

This term, I have switched my focus from Winstogram onto the Neural Network in an attempt to rebalance my time spent between the two projects. Although there is still probably a lot to do on the website, there is a lot more to do on the Neural Network, and due to the lack of time that I have put into it as I had only started this week, I have decided it would be the most beneficial to focus on the Neural Network for the time being.

This focus may only hold for the next few weeks so that I will be able to get everything to a point where I’d believe that I can present it in front of the panel that will be judging it and marking it, but then, after all of that I will graduate and there will be no more school projects to work on, and I’ll be able to focus on anything that interests me or may be related to my career.

Still To Do #

I’ve still got a little bit to do on the different projects though before I can say that I am done with them. With both Winstogram and the Neural Network, I could probably spend a lot more time on them to get them really working, but the main issue is the fact that I don’t have the time. This year I would have liked to spend all my time on making these projects the best that they can be, but with many different assignments and classes that I have had to focus on, I have been limited in the amount of time that I can put into the projects.

I still have so many ideas that I would want to implement into Winstogram, as it has so much more potential. At the moment I can still add graphs to the admin page, or add the modal I designed to save a post to a specific collection, which could be a really neat way of organising the numerous posts that you would view. I also want to add two feeds to the page, so that you can follow specific users and get content related to what you’re interested in all in one location, and then have a feed to explore the most recent posts, which would allow a user to find new users to follow and new content to view or find new things that may interest them.

In the ANN, I haven’t yet entirely debugged it, as I have found some new bugs today that I will look into fixing. The ANN will be designed to take in a small image to analyse and find patterns. It will be in black and white and will be around 128x128 pixels or smaller so that the processing time is not too long and so that the training won’t take an extensive amount of time so that I can still work to upgrade it and debug it without spending so much time training it before being able to put it into action.