Rewriting my Blog Website
Last week I decided it’s been enough of the old blog website design, so I rewrote it using the Blowfish theme, which is a Hugo theme created by Nuno Coração.
The old website was created by hand and can be found in the archived version of the website under the branch archive_10-03-23_Walrus. The old website was created using Bootstrap and jQuery to implement the responsive design, listing of all posts and the clock functionality where it shows ms since epoch on hover over the clock.
Creating the new website was a lot easier than I thought it would be, as all I had to do was find the theme and follow the instructions to install it. From there I had to create each page as md files and add a bunch of toml files to configure the theme to my liking and create the menu and tags. I then rewrote each of the old posts to add in the header section that is read in from the theme and added to the site and tested it. From there I just had to add the old posts to the new website and I was done.
Now I’ve just got a bunch of errors to fix, so this blog post will only be seen by those who access the github, not the page, as the build and deploy are creating a bunch of errors which I have already brought up as an issue in the theme’s github repo. Now I just have to wait for a response in order to figure out a solution to the problem as I haven’t been able to find myself one yet.
On the other side of things, I also had an exam on the MVC at the start of the week and a few other exams throughout the rest of the week which impacted the amount of work I was able to get done throughout the week. Therefore there wasn’t much that I was able to get done on the I.T. work from the previous work that I will be following through with this week. I did however get a lot of work done on the website, as it was a quick and easy task to do. I say quick, but in reality it did take me a while to setup.